Latest Update :
Anna University First Year / Second Semester (UG / PG) Paper Valuation is started. And the Valuation is going good and in many zones its not much strict this time. :)

Updated on : 02.06.2014
Anna University First Year / Second Semester (UG) Exams are now only started.
Anna University First Year / Second Semester (UG) Exams are now only started.
But AU has fixed the dates for the UG/PG First Year Paper valuation.
This time Anna University decided to published the result very soon.
So, the Paper valuation is expected to completed within a single phase.
The First Year paper valuations will started by third week of this month.
The Paper Valuation for First Year is expected to starts on 18.06.2014 and it will be end with 22.06.2014.
If the all papers are not able to completed within 22.06.2014, then the date may be extended or Second Phase of Paper Valuation date will be announced later.
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