FREE FDP on Electromagnetic Theory at Kamaraj Engineering College, Virudhunagar on 12th to 19th June 2014

The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering of Kamaraj College of Engineering  & Technology, Virudhunagar is organizing a Faculty Development Program on “Electromagnetic Theory” from 12th - 19th June 2014, sponsored by Centre for Faculty Development, Anna  University, Chennai.
The objective of this FDP is to introduce the basic mathematical concepts related to electromagnetic vector fields and also to impart knowledge on the concepts of electrostatics, magneto statics, Faraday’s law, Maxwell’s equations, electromagnetic waves and Pointing vector for young teachers in the discipline of Electrical Engineering.
This course will be highly beneficial to the faculty members to understand and apply basic science, circuit theory, electromagnetic field theory, control theory and relate them to electrical engineering problems.

The brochure is available here for your reference & This a FREE Program. No need to pay fee for Participation.
So, We request the faculty members who are willing to attend the program are register for this program as soon as possible.

Major Topics Covered :

  1. Sources and effects of Electromagnetic Fields.
  2. Vector Algebra and Coordinate Systems.
  3. Electrostatics
  4. Magneto statics
  5. Electro dynamic Fields
  6. Electromagnetic Waves

Eligibility for Participation : 

  • Participants can be a faculty from EEE / ECE Department working in any AICTE Approved Institutions.

Registration : 

  • Registration is Free. No Fee for the Participants.
  • NO TA/DA will be Paid.
  • Free Boarding and Lodging will be provided in the College Hostel for Outstation Participants.
  • Course Material and Registration Kit will be provided during the Program for the Participants.

Note : If Selected,the Participant should attend the Program for the entire duration.
Important Dates : 
Last Date for Receipt of Applications(By Post / Email) : 07.06.2014
Confirmation of Selection (By Email Only) : 09.06.2014

Mailing Address : 
The Coordinator,
FDP on Electromagnetic Theory,
Dept of EEE,
Kamaraj College of Engineering & Technology,
Virudhunagar - 626001,
Phone : 04549 - 278171 / 278791
Mobile : 9443726963 / 9486953636
Fax : 04549 - 278172
Email :