Course books, chapters, lessons, formulas and the never ending hours of study… Quite often the things on a student’s mind while preparing for board examinations. Take stress management seriously as a little bit of stress is known to get you going for that extra effort but too much of it will bog you down and make your effort unproductive. Make sure you know how to manage your stress and get it under control.
Stress management techniques for students
Stress management techniques for students
Love and support of your loved ones can move mountains including busting stress of examinations. Do not think you are in it alone and the only one going through this turmoil of keeping pace with the exam syllabus. Preparing for your boards need not be the most tenacious time in your life. Some tension is more than enough to keep you on your toes and make sure that your work is done and done well. Getting up early and keeping up late is not the only thing that will get you to score well. Keep grounds with reality, be realistic in achieving your timetable for studying and most importantly don’t give a second seat to your health. Let’s look at the best ways to bust that pre-exam anxiety:
- Understand your body, learn to realize that you are stressing out and take a break when you do. Chat with someone who makes you feel better to get things under perspective.
- Fuel your body with healthy and fresh fruits and vegetables. Remember you can only do as much as your body can allow.
- Avoid friends and family who make you tense; whether it’s with their questions or comparing ability. Everyone has their own system of doing things so don’t compare the amount of hard work you’ve put in with anyone else.
- Get your eight hours of sleep. Learn to relax before you sleep, don’t take your revision and studies to bed.
- Create very realistic goals for what is to be done and by when. Start early and give yourself ample time to cover things rather than doing things at the last moment.
- During revision, only revise things you have already read. Don’t freak yourself out by getting into things you’ve not read so far.
- Do not avoid your health, and try and exercise by taking out some time. You do not need to exert yourself; your aim is to let your body get some physical activity.
- Steer clear of post-exam discussions. It doesn’t matter what your friend wrote in his answer sheet in comparison to yours. You can’t go back in time and change it now.
Remember, this is just the beginning of so many other examinations and interviews in your child’s life. Do not give unnecessary tension to your child; they have more of it than you already know about. Don’t lose track of reality and make sure your child is in touch with his/her. Try and be as supportive as you can and avoid criticism in order to keep things in perspective. When the exams are over, help celebrate with a treat. These can be a real encouragement for the next time they have a test. Don’t use rewards as bribes. Instead, encourage them to work for their own satisfaction, offering small, frequent treats.