Anna University First Year Paper Valuation News of Exams on January 2014
Latest Update 17.01.2014 :
First Year Exams Paper Valuation works started by today. Most of the colleges are stillin Pongal Holidays. Because of many number of faculties are participated in Paper valuation, the Valuation is going in good Speed.
Even the valuation is scheduled upto 22.01.2014, it is expected to completed most valuation within this Sunday.
When we discussed with faculties, the Computer Paper was easy in first year exams, but students are not did well on this paper. :(
If we get more news, we will update by tomorrow.
Update 07.01.2014 :First Year Students Exams are near to End. And the Paper Valuation will starts on 17.01.2014 to 20.01.2014. Already the Higher Semester Paper Valuation and Internal Marks Preparation works are almost completed. And the Entire First Paper valuation will be completed on or before 22.01.2014.
So, the First Sem and Higher sem results may be released with a same stretch in the First Week of February 2014.
Anna University Published the Internal Marks for Higher Semester Examinations. For More Details Click Here.
Paper Valuation is completed for All Higher Semester Students.
Internal Mark Preparation work is under processing.
This time Results can be expected earlier than last year.
First Phase paper Valuation is extended to 31.12.2013 and its expected as all the phases are coming to the end by this session. So there is no more additional paper valuation phase for higher semester examinations.
First Phase paper Valuation will be ended on 29.12.2013(Previously we mentioned it as 28.12.2013). The next Phases exact dates will be announced after completing the first Phase valuation.
Most of the students asking the result date. Even the paper valuation is near to end, and after the completion of valuation, there is a very long procedure to publish the results.
Already you have completed the exams and valuation also almost over. So nothing can't change your marks. So, please don't worry about result date.
Just spend your mind and valuable time on the next semester papers for scoring better on the next semester.
Paper Valuation is almost over for regular papers. But more Arrears Papers are received to the valuation centers. And AU scheduled the Arrears Papers also should be validated within the Phase 1 (within 28.12.2013). More Number of EEE, ECE and MCA departments arrears Papers are arrived for valuation.
Jan 2 is the reopening date for all higher semester students and also exams for 1st year too starts on Jan 2. Most probably all the faculties will be engaged in next sem syllabus and 1st year exam duties. So that, very less number of faculties will be available for phase 2 valuation. So AU may planed to complete the major works in Phase 1.
So, again the valuation process is speedup.
Paper Valuation will be ended on 28.12.2013 as per scheduled.
But more or less all the zones are already completed the valuation duties as fast by today itself.
Very very few boards are pending and it may be completed by 26.12.2013.
Very Fast Valuation is going. In most of the valuation centers, few valuation Panels (especially MCA) valuation are fully completed. And our students are lacking knowledge in problematic papers. As per sources, Very poor scores are in most of the problematic papers. AU have more possible to get more earnings :) thru REVALUATION.
Update 20.12.2013 :
Paper valuation is going very fast and expected the first session will completes before the scheduled last date (28.12.2013) of this session.
Good News!?!?!? : As per sources, In some zones the Paper Valuation Board Chairmen requested the faculties as valuate normal, and don't be very tough valuation. It may be the indirect instruction for liberal Valuation.
Latest Update 19.12.2013 :
Higher semester Paper valuation today morning Started as per scheduled. - But, there is no information from the university to the faculties for liberal or tough valuation. So the normal type of valuation only processed.
If any question is asked from out of syllabus and you attended the same question, then you can get grace mark.
But, grace marks are not awarded for tough questions or twisted questions.
Update 18.12.2013 :
Higher semester Paper valuation - Papers are reached to the valuation center. Valuation Starts tomorrow. Because of the Regulation Change, be hope for liberal valuation to old regulation (R2008).
Update 16.12.2013 :
Higher semester Paper valuation will be starts on 19.12.2013 for all zones. Hence all the exams are completed for higher semester paper valuation is scheduled. The first phase of the paper valuation is starting on 19th December 2013. is the only site published the results without the need of Register Number of the student.
This year also we have planned to publish the result with the Name search option.
Almost all the Nov/Dec 2013 exams are completed and this is the time for paper valuation.The Paper valuation also will starts very soon.
And now, the practical exams are started for First Year 1st Semester Students.
They will face the theory exams on January 2014.
So the Higher Sem (3rd, 5th, 7th Sem Exam) Results will be published in earliest and the UG First Year Results and PG results will be after 15 to 20 days from the date of UG Higher Semester results.
Keep watch / bookmark this page for get the Anna university Result updates. Or you can get the update by liking our facebook page.
This time also you can check results from the following websites.
2. - (Refer your friends and family for Upcomming admissions on TNEA 2014 Counseling. TNEA News will be updated regularly.)